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New posts in .net-4.5

.net core app target .net framework 4.5.2 on Linux

Why is ClaimsPrincipalPermissionAttribute sealed, and is there an alternative?

Unable to connect to the remote server but works when fiddler is running metro app

How can I create call an async method inside another async method without it stalling

How to convert IObservable<T> to list in RX with CancellationToken support

Add a reference to the System.IdentityModel.Tokens DLL

How to 'sneak' interface behind 3rd party objects

c# interface .net-4.5

Website upgraded to MVC 5 has missing DisplayMode property on ControllerContext

Bad Request error using SendGrid SMTP email submission

.NET 4.6 required for .NET 4.5.2 compiled application

Why would FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule be null in MVC Azure ACS Federated Authentication?

GCHandle.FromIntPointer does not work as expected

c# mono clr .net-4.5

Method with no parameters in c# and still a method?

Convert Minutes to Milliseconds

c# .net winforms timer .net-4.5

How do I read a binary file in a Windows Store app?

.NET 4.0 substitutes for .NET 4.5 namespaces

Measure CPU cycles of a Function Call

c# .net .net-4.5

Implementing read-only properties with { get; }

Serialization Exception in .NET 4.5

is there something like dbgeometry makevalid in .net 4.5