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Singleton pattern on persistent in-memory cache

Zedgraph - Set Min/Max values on an axis permanently

c# .net-3.5 zedgraph

Service needs to spawn non-interactive child process, but fails with "Access denied"

How to verify an event has been unsubscribed from on a mock

ASP.NET Webforms - "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client"

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.net framework 3.5 source code

WPF Architecture and Direct3D graphics acceleration

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Format Removable media with c# programming

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How to Implement Exchange like availability monitoring of internal SQL Server

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How to index Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 documents using Lucene.NET

create batch file for checking .net framework 3.5 sp1 is installed or not

.net batch-file .net-3.5

How To Check If The .Net Framework Is Installed [C# / WPF]

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IIS 7 worker process bottleneck, large number of awaiting requests under application pool ASP.NET 3.5 + 2.0

Is it possible to use an open generic as constructor argument?

c# generics .net-3.5

C# .NET 3.5 CF on Windows CE, Changing row background color in a DataGrid

Get a String from a collection of keys presses retrieved using Raw Input API

Recursive routine to obtain PropertyInfo

Is it possible to implement this interface generically so that it can be passed only one type parameter?

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NUnit used for integration tests with a class library

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bat file to install .net 3.5 framework for win server 2012