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How do I update my forked repo using SourceTree?

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How do I update repository from forked repository?

To sync your forked repo with the parent or central repo on GitHub you: Create a pull request on GitHub.com to update your fork of the repository from the original repository, and. Run the git pull command in the terminal to update your local clone.

Can I make changes in forked repo?

Forks allows you have to have a repository of a project that you do not own on your GitHub account so that you can make some changes without affecting the original repository. Once the changes on your forked repository are validated, you can submit these changes as contributions to the original project.

How do I update my forked GitHub?

Syncing a fork branch from the web UI On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the forked repository that you want to sync with the upstream repository. Select the Fetch upstream drop-down. Review the details about the commits from the upstream repository, then click Fetch and merge.

First, set up the parent repo:

  1. Open your forked repo in SourceTree.
  2. Select RepositoryRepository Settings… in the menu (or press ,).
  3. In the Remotes pane, press Add.
  4. Enter any name you like (often upstream or master) and the URL / path to the parent repo.
  5. Press OK, then OK.

Now, to update:

  1. Select Pull in the toolbar.
  2. In the "Pull from repository" drop-down, switch from your fork to the repo you just added.
  3. Press OK.
  4. (Optional) Once you pull, you may want to push any new content up to the server.