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Git hangs while writing objects



I followed VonC's advice:

git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000

For future references, based on comments:

500 MB: 524288000 (as posted in the original answer)
1 GB: 1048576000
2 GB: 2097152000 (anything higher is rejected as 'out of range')

This was happening because of huge, unignored file in the repo directory. Whoops.


The hang was because the file was taking a long time to upload. The file wasn't supposed to have been included in the push.


While it's true that a huge file could be the reason behind this issue, if you can't ignore the file in question or just have to push it then follow this answer.

I had the same problem with (writing objects %16) stuck then fatal. I solved this by saving the current changes and clone a new repository, then copy the modified files into it.

Eg. Assume current repository is A, then all you need to do is:

  1. mv A B
  2. git clone A
  3. mv B/* A/
  4. rm -rf B

Then commit and push and it all worked fine. It recognized the moved files as modified :)

In my case, I was using a git folder with bad rights stored on the same drive as a repo, but it could be the same with ssh even if you use an authorized login user.

Check then if you have correct rights to write on the distant repo.


Init local and distant repo

git init /tmp/src
git init --bare /tmp/dst
cd /tmp/src

Adding remote repo to origin

src > git remote add dest /tmp/dst

Simulating problem

src > chmod -R 555 /tmp/dst

Adding fake file and pushing it

src > touch a && git add a && git commit -m 'demo'
src > git push --set-upstream dest master
src > git push
Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 99% (2/3), 202 bytes | 0 bytes/s.

Git hangs


src > chmod -R 775 /tmp/dst

In my situation it was the size of the file. By adding an .gitignore file with the required extensions I was able to ignore most of the unwanted files to be pushed.

In my case I was having slow internet upload speed and the file I wanted to push was big, the trick is to use git LFS (large file storage) that is much more patient to upload big files, you can find a git LFS tutorial here