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How can you disable Git integration in Visual Studio 2013 permanently?

As you said you can disable the source control plugin going to:

  • Tools / Options
  • Check "Show all settings"
  • Source Control / Plug-in Selection
  • Set "Current source control plug-in" to "None"

Then, as Ade Miller says: Restart Visual Studio.

My Visual Studio was working really slow since the git plugging was enabled and I managed to disable it "persistently across sessions" following this steps.

Hope it helps.

I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2015, where NoGit extension wasn't even allowed to install. I use the "open last solution on start-up" option so I thought that maybe this was somehow connected to the problem.

So I simply closed my solution before going to "Tools - Options - Source Control", then turned it off, restarted VS and - voila, SC stayed turned off! Hope it stays so in other solutions as well.

For me, creating the repository with the following command fix the problem:

git init --separate-git-dir _git

Since it doesn't create a .git directory, only a .git file pointing to the real repository directory, e.g.:

gitdir: C:/tfs/ProjectName/Main/_git

Visual Studio (at least up to VS2015 Update 3, which is what I use) doesn't notice it!

This worked better than the environment variable stuff because Git Extensions (that I'm using) had problem supporting that, but dealt with the .git file pointing to a _git folder perfectly.

One reason for the git SCC being re-enabled in VS2015 every time the IDE loads is CodeLens. Tools/Options/Text Editor/All Languages/CodeLens There's a checkbox for various activities involving TFVS and Git - having any of those git checkboxes checked will automatically enable the Git plugin if it thinks you're working on a git repo.