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How to make git diff --ignore-space-change the default

People also ask

How to ignore whitespace changes in git?

Use the git diff Command to Ignore Whitespaces in Git We use the git diff -w command to ignore all whitespace differences. It will ignore spaces at the beginning, middle, and end of lines. We use the git diff --ignore-space-at-eol command to ignore whitespace changes at the end of our lines.

How do I ignore whitespace in diff?

The --ignore-trailing-space ( -Z ) option ignores white space at line end. Re: "-w or --ignore-all-space option does not ignore newline-related changes" So -w ignores all whitespace, except for the whitespace it doesn't ignore.

How does git diff work internally?

Diffing is a function that takes two input data sets and outputs the changes between them. git diff is a multi-use Git command that when executed runs a diff function on Git data sources. These data sources can be commits, branches, files and more.

You could use git alias or bash alias if you are using shell-available OS.

  1. git alias : Run this command to add alias:

    git config --global alias.dfw 'diff --ignore-space-change'

    --ignore-space-change can be abbreviated to -w
    to apply the alias using: git dfw

  2. bash alias : Run this command to add bash alias:

    echo "alias gitdfw='git diff --ignore-space-change'">>~/.profile

    Open a new terminal and you can directly run gitdfw to achieve the same.

According to the Git Config manual, there's no such option. Your only option is to make an alias.


Old question (2011), but now there's a shortcut git diff -w which stands for --ignore-all-space

Ignore whitespace when comparing lines. This ignores differences even if one line has whitespace where the other line has none.

I'd agree with Dogbert's answer that it's probably best to just use an alias, but another option is to set the config option diff.external to a wrapper script that calls diff with -b.

This doesn't answer your question exactly, but it's a way to achieve something similar for apply.

From man git-config:

       Tells git apply how to handle whitespaces, in the same way
       as the --whitespace option. See git-apply(1).

So open up your ~/.gitconfig or ./.git/config/ and append

   whitespace = nowarn

It might also not let you commit something that only changes whitespace, but I'm sure you can overrule that with some flags.

it would be great if this were possible with an option. but an alias works fairly well. here are the relevant lines from my .gitconfig:

    tool = mydiff
[difftool "mydiff"]
    cmd = "colordiff -NuBbwi \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" | less -R"
    prompt = false
    dt = difftool

this assumes using colordiff, which i recommend, giving you an almost exact copy of what git diff would show, with two differences:

  1. the --- line in colordiff is colored differently than the same line in git diff (very minor issue)
  2. each file is shown one at a time (annoying issue -- anyone know a fix?)

here's my /etc/colordiffrc:


Mac OS X 10.9.2, git version (Apple Git-48)

(colordiff was obtained from brew)