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Retaining file permissions with Git

I want to version control my web server as described in Version control for my web server, by creating a git repo out of my /var/www directory. My hope was that I would then be able to push web content from our dev server to github, pull it to our production server, and spend the rest of the day at the pool.

Apparently a kink in my plan is that Git won't respect file permissions (I haven't tried it, only reading about it now.) I guess this makes sense in that different boxes are liable to have different user/group setups. But if I wanted to force permissions to propagate, knowing my servers are configured the same, do I have any options? Or is there an easier way to approach what I'm trying to do?

like image 887
Yarin Avatar asked Jul 08 '10 20:07


People also ask

Does Git retain file permissions?

When Git checks out files, it by default uses the umask of the file on the system, setting the executable bit if it's a directory or it's marked as an executable file. That's because Git removes and re-creates the file, so it doesn't preserve the permissions of the existing file.

Does Git sync permissions?

According to kernel.org git does not store all the permissions possible for files. Git is a content tracker, where content is de facto defined as "whatever is relevant to the state of a typical sourcecode tree". Basically, this is just files' data and "executable" attribute.

How do I fix permissions in Git?

Set the Appropriate Permissions on Objects Directory Make sure all your users who need access to git are part of the git group. Change the “git” in the above chgrp command to whatever group where all your developers belong to. The “s” option in the “g+rws” is to set the setuid bit on the objects folder.

Does Git track chmod?

Git does not track any other permission (such as read or write permission).

2 Answers

Git is Version Control System, created for software development, so from the whole set of modes and permissions it stores only executable bit (for ordinary files) and symlink bit. If you want to store full permissions, you need third party tool, like git-cache-meta (mentioned by VonC), or Metastore (used by etckeeper). Or you can use IsiSetup, which IIRC uses git as backend.

See Interfaces, frontends, and tools page on Git Wiki.

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Jakub Narębski Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Jakub Narębski

The git-cache-meta mentioned in SO question "git - how to recover the file permissions git thinks the file should be?" (and the git FAQ) is the more staightforward approach.

The idea is to store in a .git_cache_meta file the permissions of the files and directories.
It is a separate file not versioned directly in the Git repo.

That is why the usage for it is:

$ git bundle create mybundle.bdl master; git-cache-meta --store $ scp mybundle.bdl .git_cache_meta machine2:  #then on machine2: $ git init; git pull mybundle.bdl master; git-cache-meta --apply 

So you:

  • bundle your repo and save the associated file permissions.
  • copy those two files on the remote server
  • restore the repo there, and apply the permission
like image 33
VonC Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
