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Searching code in a specific GitHub branch




People also ask

How do I do an advanced search on GitHub?

Searching using a visual interface You can search GitHub Enterprise Server using the search page ( https://[hostname]/search ) or advanced search page ( https://[hostname]/search/advanced ). The advanced search page ( https://[hostname]/search/advanced ) provides a visual interface for constructing search queries.

Not from the GitHub web interface itself, as mentioned in "How can I search for a commit message on GitHub?": only the default branch (generally master) is indexed.

Your best bet is to clone the repository, and there, search in all branches (with git log -S for instance).

Using console, I would search for specific code in a specific branch with the following

git grep 'my_search_text' my_branch
  • my_branch should be available locally
  • git grep can perform pattern matching of high complexity (see the documentation)

If you know the filename you can use Find File.

enter image description here

enter image description here
