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Git Diff with Beyond Compare

People also ask

How do I open git diff Beyond Compare?

Launch Beyond Compare, go to the Beyond Compare menu and run Install Command Line Tools. Open Tower's preferences dialog on the Git Config Tab. Set the Diff Tool drop-down to Beyond Compare. Set the Merge tool drop-down to Beyond Compare.

I don't use extra wrapper .sh files. My environment is Windows XP, git 1.7.1 on cygwin, and Beyond Compare 3. Following is my .git/config file.

    tool = bc3
    prompt = false
[difftool "bc3"]
    #use cygpath to transform cygwin path $LOCAL (something like /tmp/U5VvP1_abc) to windows path, because bc3 is a windows software
    cmd = \"c:/program files/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" "$(cygpath -w $LOCAL)" "$REMOTE"
    tool = bc3
    prompt = false
[mergetool "bc3"]
    #trustExitCode = true
    cmd = \"c:/program files/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$MERGED"

Then, I use $ git difftool to compare and $ git mergetool to merge.

About trustExitCode: For a custom merge command, specify whether the exit code of the merge command can be used to determine whether the merge was successful. If this is not set to true then the merge target file timestamp is checked and the merge assumed to have been successful if the file has been updated, otherwise the user is prompted to indicate the success of the merge.

Thanks to @dahlbyk, the author of Posh-Git, for posting his config as a gist. It helped me resolve my configuration issue.

    tool = bc3
    prompt = false
[difftool "bc3"]
    cmd = \"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
    tool = bc3
    prompt = false
    keepBackup = false
[mergetool "bc3"]
    cmd = \"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\"
    trustExitCode = true
    dt = difftool
    mt = mergetool

Run these commands for Beyond Compare 2:

git config --global diff.tool bc2
git config --global difftool.bc2.cmd "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 2/bc2.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
git config --global difftool.prompt false

Run these commands for Beyond Compare 3:

git config --global diff.tool bc3
git config --global difftool.bc3.cmd "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
git config --global difftool.prompt false

Then use git difftool

Official documentation worked for me

Here is my config file. It took some wrestling but now it is working. I am using windows server, msysgit and beyond compare 3 (apparently an x86 version). Youll notice that I dont need to specify any arguments, and I use "path" instead of "cmd".

        name = PeteW
        email = [email protected]
        tool = bc3
        prompt = false
[difftool "bc3"]
        path = /c/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 3/BComp.exe
        tool = bc3
        prompt = false
        keepBackup = false
[mergetool "bc3"]
        path = /c/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 3/BComp.exe
        trustExitCode = true
        dt = difftool
        mt = mergetool