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New posts in yagni

Are KISS and YAGNI at odds with the trends towards increasingly more sophisticated patterns and practices like SOA, DDD, IoC, MVC, POCO, MVVM? [closed]

agile-processes yagni

Does YAGNI apply to database design?

database-design yagni

Reasons not to overdesign a solution to a current problem [closed]


Should you create an interface when there (currently) is only going to be one class that implements it?

c# interface yagni

Decoupling vs YAGNI

coupling decoupling yagni

Why is it so hard to enforce YAGNI? [closed]

design-patterns yagni

Did the authors of The Pragmatic Programmer forget about YAGNI?


Write programs that do one thing and do it well

Is internationalizing later really more expensive? [closed]

When to violate YAGNI? [closed]


What's the difference between principles YAGNI and KISS?

design-principles yagni

Does YAGNI also apply when writing tests?

Isn't there a point where encapsulation gets ridiculous?

c# c++ encapsulation yagni

YAGNI - The Agile practice that must not be named? [closed]

How far do you go with YAGNI? [closed]

SOLID vs. YAGNI [closed]

oop yagni solid-principles