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YAGNI - The Agile practice that must not be named? [closed]

As I've increasingly absorbed Agile thinking into the way I work, yagni ("you aren't going to need it") seems to become more and more important. It seems to me to be one of the most effective rules for filtering out misguided priorities and deciding what not to work on next.

Yet yagni seems to be a concept that is barely whispered about here at SO. I ran the obligatory search, and it only shows up in one question title - and then in a secondary role.

Why is this? Am I overestimating its importance?

Disclaimer. To preempt the responses I'm sure I'll get in objection, let me emphasize that yagni is the opposite of quick-and-dirty. It encourages you to focus your precious time and effort on getting the parts you DO need right.

Here are some off-the-top ongoing questions one might ask.

Are my Unit Tests selected based on user requirements, or framework structure?

Am I installing (and testing and maintaining) Unit Tests that are only there because they fall out of the framework?

How much of the code generated by my framework have I never looked at (but still might bite me one day, even though yagni)?

How much time am I spending working on my tools rather than the user's problem?

When pair-programming, the observer's role value often lies in "yagni".

Do you use a CRUD tool? Does it allow (nay, encourage) you to use it as an _RU_ tool, or a C__D tool, or are you creating four pieces of code (plus four unit tests) when you only need one or two?

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dkretz Avatar asked Dec 15 '08 22:12


People also ask

What is YAGNI in agile?

YAGNI principle ("You Aren't Gonna Need It") is a practice in software development which states that features should only be added when required. As a part of the extreme programming (XP) philosophy, YAGNI trims away excess and inefficiency in development to facilitate the desired increased frequency of releases.

What does YAGNI?

"You aren't gonna need it" (YAGNI) is a principle which arose from extreme programming (XP) that states a programmer should not add functionality until deemed necessary.

What does TDD stand for in agile?

Test-driven development (TDD), also called test-driven design, is a method of implementing software programming that interlaces unit testing, programming and refactoring on source code.

Which design principle relates with this statement always implement things when you actually need them never when you just foresee that you may need them?

YAGNI, or "You Ain't Gonna Need It" (or "You Aren't Gonna Need It"), emerged as one of the key principles of Extreme Programming. Put another way, the principle states: "Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just foresee that you may need them."

4 Answers

TDD has subsumed YAGNI in a way. If you do TDD properly, that is, only write those tests that result in required functionality, then develop the simplest code to pass the test, then you are following the YAGNI principle by default. In my experience, it is only when I get outside the TDD box and start writing code before tests, tests for things that I don't really need, or code that is more than the simplest possible way to pass the test that I violate YAGNI.

In my experience the latter is my most common faux pas when doing TDD -- I tend to jump ahead and start writing code to pass the next test. That often results in me compromising the remaining tests by having a preconceived idea based on my code rather than the requirements of what needs to be tested.


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tvanfosson Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10


Yagni and KISS (keep it simple, stupid) are essentially the same principle. Unfortunately, I see KISS mentioned about as often as I see "yagni".

In my part of the wilderness, the most common cause of project delays and failures is poor execution of unnecessary components, so I agree with your basic sentiment.

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MusiGenesis Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10


The freedom to change drives YAGNI. In a waterfall project, the mantra is control scope. Scope is controlled by establishing a contract with the customer. Consequently, the customer stuffs all they can think of in the scope document knowing that changes to scope will be difficult once the contract has been signed. As a result, you end up with applications that has a laundry list of features, not a set of features that have value.

With an agile project, the product owner builds a prioritized product backlog. The development team builds features based on priority i.e., value. As a result, the most important stuff get built first. You end up with an application that has features that are valued by the users. The stuff that is not important falls off the list or doesn't get done. That is YAGNI.

While YAGNI is not a practice, it is a result of the prioritized backlog list. The business partner values the flexibility afforded the business given that they can change and reprioritized the product backlog from iteration to iteration. It is enough to explain that YAGNI is the benefit gained when we readily accept change, even late in the process.

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Cam Wolff Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10

Cam Wolff

The problem I find is that people tend to bucket even writing factories, using DI containers (unless you've already have that in your codebase) under YAGNI. I agree with JB King there. For many people I've worked with YAGNI seems to be the license to cut corners / to write sloppy code.

For example, I was writing a PinPad API for abstracting multiple models/manufacturers' PINPad. I found unless I've the overall structure, I can't write even my Unit Tests. May be I'm not a very seasoned practioner of TDD. I'm sure there'll be differing opinions on whether what I did is YAGNI or not.

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Vyas Bharghava Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10

Vyas Bharghava