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How do I test variables local to an Angular controller in Jasmine

I have a controller with a local variable

function IndexCtrl($scope) {
  var pagesById = [];

  // snip

  function loadPages() {
    // pagesById gets populated

  // snip

I'd like to test that pagesById is correctly populated but I'm not sure how to get at it from my it(). I don't need this variable to be in the $scope, it's just an intermediate set of information, so if I can avoid adding it to $scope that would be ideal.

it('scope.pages should populated based on pages data.', function() {

gives me

ReferenceError: pagesById is not defined

Do I have any other options besides attaching it to $scope?

like image 456
akronymn Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 23:01


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3 Answers

In your jasmine spec, first create the controller:

var ctrl;

beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
  scope = $rootScope.$new();
  ctrl = $controller('myController', {
     $scope: scope

Then you can access its properties by doing ctrl.pagesById. Of course, rather than doing var pagesById you'll need to use this.pagesById in your controller.

like image 119
wless1 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09


Here is my way for testing local variables in Angular methods:

//------- Function for getting value of local variables

function getLocalVariable(sLocalVarName, obj, method, args){
    method = method.toString();
    let changedMethod = method.substring(0, method.lastIndexOf("}")) + ";" + "return " + sLocalVarName + "}";
    eval(' changedMethod = ' + changedMethod);

    return changedMethod.call(obj, args)

//----------- service

class assignStuffService {

    getAvaliableStuff(shift) {
        const params = {
            agency_id: 0 ,
            start_time: shift.data.shift.start_time,
            end_time : shift.data.shift.end_time

//----------- part of spec

it('should set values to "params" object props', () => {

            let shift = {

            let params = getLocalVariable('params',

                agency_id: 0 ,
                start_time: shift.data.shift.start_time,
                end_time : shift.data.shift.end_time

like image 38
victor mozharovsky Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09

victor mozharovsky

Here is my way for testing local variables in Angular methods:

//------- Function for getting value of local variables

function getLocalVariable(sLocalVarName, obj, method, args){
    method = method.toString();
    let changedMethod = method.substring(0, method.lastIndexOf("}")) + ";" + "return " + sLocalVarName + "}";
    eval(' changedMethod = ' + changedMethod);

    return changedMethod.call(obj, args)

//----------- service

class assignStuffService {

    getAvaliableStuff(shift) {
        const params = {
            agency_id: 0 ,
            start_time: shift.data.shift.start_time,
            end_time : shift.data.shift.end_time

//----------- part of spec

it('should set values to "params" object props', () => {

            let shift = {

            let params = getLocalVariable('params',

                agency_id: 0 ,
                start_time: shift.data.shift.start_time,
                end_time : shift.data.shift.end_time

like image 24
Victor Mozharovsky Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 23:09

Victor Mozharovsky