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Haskell parsing tools - yacc:lex :: happy:?

haskell yacc parsing lex

Yacc/Jay grammar file for JavaScript? [duplicate]

A notation for empty right-hand sides of rules

bison yacc parser-generator

How can I implement #include constructs with Flex and YACC?

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Python/YACC Lexer: Token priority?

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C11 grammar ambiguity between _Atomic type specifier and qualifier

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Flex and Yacc - Cannot find - lfl?

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Is there a Sublime Text Syntax for Flex and Bison?

C grammar in GCC source code

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Lex strings with single, double, or triple quotes

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How to make YY_INPUT point to a string rather than stdin in Lex & Yacc (Solaris)

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Simple Flex/Bison C++

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Lex/Flex - Scanning for the EOF character

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%left and %right in yacc

Making YACC output an AST (token tree)

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Reasons for using lex/yacc alternatives?

What's the difference between a parser and a scanner?

"Unknown type name" using YACC with xcode

ios objective-c yacc

LALR vs LL parser

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Include struct in the %union def with Bison/Yacc

c yacc bison