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Python/YACC Lexer: Token priority?

I'm trying to use reserved words in my grammar:

reserved = {
   'if' : 'IF',
   'then' : 'THEN',
   'else' : 'ELSE',
   'while' : 'WHILE',

tokens = [
] + list(reserved.values())

t_DEPT_CODE = r'[A-Z]{2,}'
t_COURSE_NUMBER  = r'[0-9]{4}'
t_OR_CONJ = r'or'

t_ignore = ' \t'

def t_ID(t):
 if t.value in reserved.values():
  t.type = reserved[t.value]
  return t
 return None

However, the t_ID rule somehow swallows up DEPT_CODE and OR_CONJ. How can I get around this? I'd like those two to take higher precedence than the reserved words.

like image 803
Nick Heiner Avatar asked May 26 '10 05:05

Nick Heiner

1 Answers

Mystery Solved!

Ok, i ran into this issue on my own today and looked for solution - did not find it on S/O - but found it in the manual: http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/ply.html#ply_nn6

When building the master regular expression, rules are added in the following order:

  • All tokens defined by functions are added in the same order as they appear in the lexer file.
  • Tokens defined by strings are added next by sorting them in order of decreasing regular expression length (longer expressions are added first).

That is why t_ID "beats" the string definitions. A trivial (although brutal) fix will be to simply def t_DEPT_CODE(token): r'[A-Z]{2,}'; return token before def t_ID

like image 135
Nas Banov Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 23:11

Nas Banov