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XTS dates from different sources. Using R to calculate beta

r finance xts quantmod

zoo/xts - can't do math on 1-cell subsets? R hangs

r xts zoo

Convert data frame with epoch timestamps to time-series with milliseconds in R

r time-series xts zoo

Plot time series using different colours based on factor

r xts quantmod

Converting xts to ts: Error in Round(frequency)

r time-series xts

Modify usual hpfilter function to ignore na's

r xts

How to handle 'Series contains non-leading NAs' in TTR library with xts objects?

r xts

Plotting discontinuous xts timeseries on same plot in R?

r merge plot xts

Why cannot xts function find as.yearmon function without attaching zoo?

r xts zoo

How do you re-arrange vector order in R?

r xts

Applying models to multiple time-series

r xts

Performance Analytics error Error in na.omit.xts(x) : unsupported type

r xts

How to regress multiple series on single series conditioned on grouping variables?

r dplyr regression xts plm

Set the color in plot.xts

r graphics xts

How to use C api of xts package in Rcpp

r xts rcpp

R with xts subsetting: start date plus setting range

r xts

data.table time subset vs xts time subset

r benchmarking data.table xts

R setting xlim in xts plot

r plot xts

Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length? [duplicate]

r xts

How to aggregate a dataframe by week?

r dplyr xts lubridate