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New posts in xslt-1.0

What XSLT instructions change the current node other than for-each?

xml xslt xslt-2.0 xslt-1.0

Sorting by ID and then by timestamp within the same node

alternate sorted nodes in XSLT 1.0 without extension function

xslt xslt-1.0

extracting information from a JSON file using XSLT version 1.0

json xslt gis xslt-1.0

Select descendant elements that are not contained in another type of element

xslt xpath xslt-1.0

Sorting with XSLT

xml xslt sorting xslt-1.0

how to parse the xml inside CDATA of another xml using xslt?

xslt xslt-1.0 xslt-2.0 xsl-fo

XSLT Ternary "If" Operator?

xpath xslt-1.0

CSS style for leading dots

html css xslt xslt-1.0

How to read plain text content with XSLT 1.0

xml xslt xslt-1.0

How to select the smallest value from a bunch of variables?

xslt xslt-1.0 minimum

"img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag

xml xslt xslt-1.0 docx4j

How to get the nearest ancestor or child of an ancestor with xpath

xslt xpath xslt-1.0

XSLT 1.0 variant for distinct-values

xslt xpath xslt-1.0

How do I select all comment nodes in an XML file?

xslt xslt-1.0

How to handle duplicate imports in XSLT?

xslt xslt-1.0 xslt-2.0

Call XSLT template and save all output to variable


XSLT templates' ambiguity clarification

xslt xpath xslt-1.0 xslt-2.0

xslt call template with dynamic match

xslt xslt-2.0 xslt-1.0

XML to Fixed width text file with xsl style sheet

xml xslt xslt-1.0 fixed-width