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New posts in xmlserializer

xmlserializer strips xlink from xlink:html svg image tag

Unable to generate a temporary class - Cryptographic failure while signing assembly

c# xmlserializer sign sgen

Prefix SOAP XML Instead direct namespace

deserialize with different root element names

Pass list of known types to object with its own XmlSerializer in (de-)serialization tree

C# Xml Serializer deserializes list to count of 0 instead of null

Deserialization / model binding in MVC4 webapi does not work with arrays

Custom XML output?

Xml deserialization appends to list

How to output hex numbers via XML Serialization in c#?

c# hex xmlserializer

Cannot Deserialize a SOAP Message programmatically

extra closing bracket in xml

c# xml xmlserializer

XML Serialisation - When To Use DataContractSerializer / Binary / XMLSerialiser

Deserializing xml to class, trouble with list<>

Is there a way to avoid self-closing tags when using XML Serialization?

error: Could not load the file or assembly 'ExcelAddIn1.XmlSerializers' or one of it's dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified

In JavaScript, how can serializer part of the DOM to XHTML?

How can I deserialize heterogeneous child nodes into a collection, using XmlSerializer?

c# .net xml xmlserializer

How can I validate the output of XmlSerializer?

Performance: XmlSerializer vs XmlReader vs XmlDocument vs XDocument