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New posts in xmlserializer

XmlSerializer and factory-created elements

Web Api XML, How to set Encoding, Version, xmlns:xsi and xsi:schemaLocation

XmlException while deserializing xml file in UTF-16 encoding format

Rename class when serializing to XML

Deserialize XML with multiple types

How do I stop an empty tag from being emitted by XmlSerializer?

Colon character getting encoded to x003A in xml element serialization process

How does DataContractSerializer write to private fields?

Troubles wtih comments in XmlSerialzier

Does XmlSerializer support property name changes (version tolerant)

How to serialize property of type Object with XmlSerializer

c# .net .net-4.0 xmlserializer

Removing invalid characters from XML before serializing it with XMLSerializer()

How to make a class deserialize as a different name

c# .net xml xmlserializer

XmlSerializer define default value

c# xmlserializer

How to decorate/define class members for an optional XML element to be used with XmlSerializer?

c# xmlserializer

How can I override the serialized name of each list item in a List<SomeStruct>() in c#?

XmlSerializer not serializing two enum attributes

how to remove namespace from XML root element?

Setter not called when deserializing collection

how to create an xml using xmlserializer in android app

android xml xmlserializer