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New posts in xcodebuild

How do I sign an unsigned IPA?

CMake Xcode generator uses no longer supported options

OSX/Bash - detecting build failure

bash xcodebuild

Is there any way to get an XCode build setting to vary according to build ACTION (e.g. clean, rebuild)?

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How to debug dylib with Xcode?

iOS IPA file size - xcode-archive vs. xcodebuild command

xcodebuild ipa filesize

How to launch iOS Simulator in specific language from command line?

xcodebuild stuck on codesign? how to disable prompt?

xcframework does not contain internal frameworks

frameworks xcodebuild

Xcode 5 Indexing | Waiting for xcodebuild

xcode5 xcodebuild

Unable to create pipeline because of service role

react-native build failing with error code 65 and ___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow

xcodebuild fails to build from terminal but succeeded from xcode

xcode sh ios8 xcodebuild xcode6

Command line option to change Xcode DerivedData location

xcode xcodebuild

Signing app with xcodebuild command line with PROVISIONING_PROFILE fails

IOS: xcodebuild command disable bitcode in Build Settings

Why are xcodebuild and Xcode 4.2 so slow?