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New posts in xcodebuild

xcodebuild command line: passing DevelopmentTeam ID for code signing purpose

ios xcode6 xcodebuild

Cannot build for simulator with iphonesimulator9.2

ios xcode xcodebuild xcode7.2

xcodebuild 7.3 can't enable bitcode

Xcodebuild Archive Location [duplicate]

How to get a distribution app when using xcodebuild -exportArchive (Xcode8.3, Auto Signing)?

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xcode command line test with argument passed at launch

SSL Connections Issues when running Unit Tests from the command line

xcodebuild archive generates malformed xcarchive when adding custom build settings

Generate an .xcscheme file from the command line

xcode xcodebuild

iOS App crashing before entering main() with Xcode 4.2 & iOS 5

xcodebuild: find where the output app file is

xcode macos xcodebuild

Is there an API or any other method to automate the submission process?

iphone app-store xcodebuild

Xcode 11 recompiles too much

Xcode - how to include c library and header file to cocoa project?

xcodebuild -exportArchive fails with error Locating signing assets failed

How do I change an existing Xcode target from dynamic to static?

xcode xcodebuild

Set xcode "build setting" from terminal?

xcode xcodebuild xcrun

How can I build a Swift Package for iOS over command line?

Errors converting xcarchive to IPA - single-bundle archive + missing plist method values

xcodebuild - 'Code Sign error: Provisioning profile X can't be found'