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New posts in xcode9-beta

Using pods with Playgrounds in Xcode 9 (beta)

Xcode 9 doesn't have any simulator device

ios xcode xcode9-beta xcode9

Cryptic NSInternalInconsistencyException when running unit tests in Xcode 9 GM

Hide large title when scrolling up

ios swift ios11 xcode9-beta

Images.xcassets: error: Failed to find a suitable device for the type SimDeviceType

How can I add file to project in Xcode 9?

ios xcode xcode9-beta

Programming a UIButton is not working in Swift 4 Xcode 9 Beta 6, Cannot add target

[SPApplication _accessibilityInitialize]: unrecognized selector sent to instance on watchOS4

Compile error in Swift 4 on parameter passing

swift ios11 xcode9-beta swift4

xcodebuild -exportArchive fails with error Locating signing assets failed

Xcode 9 - Add an App Store icon

Push tags with Xcode 9

Error copying files with FileManager (CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey failed because it was passed an URL which has no scheme)

Is there any risk upgrading to Xcode 9 while working on projects to be released soon?

Overlapping accesses to 'urlComponents', but modification requires exclusive access

swift swift4 xcode9-beta

Xcode 9 Beta 2 fails - DVTPlugInErrorDomain plugin load fails


xCode 9 - iOS 11: NSURLConnection - sendAsynchronousRequest fails

ios11 xcode9-beta

UIAppearance Swift 4

Xcode 9 - no iOS 11 simulator

xcode 8.3 framework not found FileProvider for architecture armv7