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New posts in xcode9-beta

Initialising MPVolumeView causes app crash on iOS 11 beta 3

How to “crop” SCNAnimationPlayer to a specific start and end time, iOS 11

How to initialize a MLMultiArray in CoreML

Can't create new simulator in xcode 9 beta

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Cannot convert value of type 'SCNMatrix4' to expected argument type 'matrix_float4x4' (aka 'simd_float4x4')

Failed to acquire termination assertion when installing placeholder. What does it mean?


iOS: Can't compile CoreData model because of Fetched Indexes in Xcode 9

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Xcode 9 - Framework breakpoints

iOS11 UIBarButtonItem action not get called

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dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/CoreNFC.framework/CoreNFC, iOS11 and Xcode 9 beta

UICollectionView showing scroll indicator for every section (header zIndex broken)

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"API error: (null) returned 0 width, assuming UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric" in Xcode 9 beta

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Xcode 9: Block-compressed payload operation failed

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Vision Framework Barcode detection for iOS 11

is `addingPercentEncoding` broken in Xcode 9?

Keyboard shortcut for code folding in Xcode 9

Xcode 9: Swift dependency analysis error

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How Xcode 9 custom templates changed?

How can I use Realm with Swift 4?