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New Silverlight app doesn't generate XAP

silverlight xap

Deploy more than one WP7 App with same Visual Studio Solution?

Packaging ResourceDictionary for Silverlight Class Library

XAP Expires after half a Day?

silverlight xap

silverlight 4, dynamically loading xap modules

Prevent Silverlight xap from being cached by proxy server

silverlight caching proxy xap

TFS build Xap packaging failed because it is being used by another process

Visual Studio packs into WP8 XAP unnecessary XML doc files

How do browsers handle caching of XAP packages?

VS 2010 loading slow - Xap packaging failed. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown

Cannot install company app on windows phone 8

Making the Silverlight XAP file expire from browser cache programmatically

Forcing browsers to reload Silverlight xap after an update

Xap packaging failed. Object reference not set to an instance of an object