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Get binding object from Tap event

c# xaml windows-phone-8

How to set Enum to ItemsSource WPF

wpf xaml enums

WP8: reduce the pivot page header size?

xaml windows-phone-8

Explaining how to use VisualStateManager for a beginner

Apply MahApps.Metro theme and accent to other controls or rectangles

Xamarin.Forms Vertical StackLayout in ListView displays only one (first) Child

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getting an error on InitializeComponent() on xaml.cs files

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Retrieve a value from ResourceDictionary in code behind

UWP Modal Window

Is it Possible to animate path.Data

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UWP - Creating a data bound tooltip on an image in xaml

Xamarin Forms: How can I make an Image Circle in a ListView?

How customize column width in column series?

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Multi binding in UWP

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Bind StackPanel.Visibility to the Visibility property of its children

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Draw overlay on an image

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Why does WrapPanel wrap TextBlocks horizontally but UserControls vertically?

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Enabling direct content creation in XAML on a dependancy object

Binding to indexed property with String key

How to structure a 'flippable' app?

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