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WSDL Type for getter without parameter

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WCF BasicHttpBinding - Where can I find SOAP1.1 in WSDL

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Difference between WSDL document and WSDL contract

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How do I reference a WSDL file with a relative path?

JAX-WS has XSD schema in different URL

Customizing Java packages JAXB wsimport

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Get Strings from SOAP Message in Java

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Publishing wsdl java M2E plugin execution not covered

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In Powershell to consume a Soap complexType to keep a Soap service hot

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soapui WSDL error when adding

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Creating a web-service client directly from the source

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how to imlement a SOAP handler in JAX-WS client

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SOAP for NodeJS without using WSDL

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Working with large wsdl, can we trim it?

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How to specify a parameter of an OperationContract as required

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Supply a different endpoint address in the WSDL of a WCF web service

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Different WSDL ASMX,WCF web-services

Unable to generate java.util.Calendar from xsd - getting XmlGregorianCalendar

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"Unable to parse URL" exception after SOAP request

Error : "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when calling SOAP cilent in PHP

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