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Command bind to ContextMenu (which on ListBoxItem in ListBox) don't work [duplicate]

wpf mvvm command contextmenu

How to get HyperLink Text from C# in WPF?

c# wpf

How do we Close a custom UserControl as Dialog?

c# wpf .net-4.0

C# Change color of one character in a text box

c# .net wpf

How to set up the datagrid control from the Xceed\Extended WPF Toolkit with checkbox column and binding

wpf checkbox wpftoolkit

Convert UTC DateTime to Local timezone in Xaml?

c# wpf silverlight xaml

WPF - fill data on data grid

Create Style for a StackPanel and its Contents

Binding to Canvas.Left breaks when element is moving

wpf xaml binding runtime

C# WPF DataGrid.ItemsSource generates new Columns

c# wpf datagrid datatable

How to bind a combobox inside wpf datagrid?

LibUsbDotNet: Error on exiting WPF application - Safe handle has been closed

c# wpf usb libusb libusbdotnet

Can't set background color because of HTML Hex code


RoutedEvent "the member is not recognized or is not accessible"

Replace Window title with Menu for MahApps.Metro borderless Window

c# wpf xaml mahapps.metro

How to load all the Xml files from a folder to an XmlDocument

c# xml wpf xmldocument

How to modify the placement of DataGrid vertical scroll bar in WPF?

c# wpf datagrid scrollbar

How can I bind directly to a child viewmodel?

c# wpf xaml mvvm

VirtualizingStackPanel with Virtualized List

Can parameters be passed to a WPF user control?

c# .net wpf mvvm prism