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Can't set background color because of HTML Hex code



I am trying to set the background of a template by using color I found online in HEX code:

<Color x:Key="BaseColor">#408DD2</Color>


     <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
          <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" 
                Value="{StaticResource BaseColor}" />

The error I get is:

'#FF408DD2' is not a valid value for property 'Background'.
like image 979
Bill Software Engineer Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 05:02

Bill Software Engineer

2 Answers

Border.Background is of type System.Windows.Media.Brush, you cannot assign a System.Windows.Media.Color to that.

Instead, create a resource of type Brush:

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="BaseColor" Color="#408DD2"/>


have your Setter create the Brush to be assigned to that property:

 <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background">
        <SolidColorBrush Color="{StaticResource BaseColor}"/>
like image 101
Federico Berasategui Avatar answered May 04 '23 20:05

Federico Berasategui

Background is of type Brush and not Color. So you need to provide Brush to it:

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="BaseColor" Color="#408DD2"/>
like image 33
Rohit Vats Avatar answered May 04 '23 19:05

Rohit Vats