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How to add custom action to wix setup project

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Unpack WIX Burn bundle

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wix 3.6 ComponentGroupRef Id="Product.Generated" gives error, wix 3.5 does not

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How to deploy Visual C++ redistributables in WiX using Burn

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"ICE38: Component installs to user profile" error for a specific component

WiX, UAC, managed custom action and impersonation

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Getting Display Name from PackageID

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WiX - commit more than one Property to deferred Custom Action

Wix setup project's exe "app can't run on your PC"

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How to use CustomAction in WIX Bundle?

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Remove registry keys under HKCU on a per machine installation

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WIX 3.6 Installer - Visual Studio 2010 (HeatDirectory)

How to install .NET 4.5 with a WiX bundle?

Wix non-admin installer tutorial?

WiX Bundle bal:condition - util:RegistrySearch variable always false

Wix *.msi installer Icon and logos

How do I pass a default 'install location' to the RtfLicense bootstrapper?

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WiX Burn 3.6 beta - custom UI examples

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WiX setup: adding a reference to Visual Studio project output issue

How to do major upgrades when using burn / WiX 3.6

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