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Wix - how to run an exe after installfinalize upon uninstall?

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WIX enable Windows feature

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Wix: how to forcefully kill a process/task?

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WiX get culture preprocessor variable

Wix Load items into ComboBox

WiX XmlConfig: Purpose for nesting XmlConfig in XmlConfig

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Wix: Is there any wix command to create database user?

Unresolved reference to symbol in Wix

What is the difference between NetFx45WebLink and NetFx45RedistLink

Wix Installer start menu shortcut not appearing

Installing .NET redistributable with Wix Bootstrapper (Burn)

Using the firewall extension in WiX

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WiX - commit more than one Property to deferred Custom Action

WiX not configuring IIS site correctly

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WIX database deployment, installation

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WiX - Trying to set the permissions of a service using util:PermissionEx and getting an Error 1

WIX: Giving Permissions to a folder

The Fragment element contains an unhandled extension element 'util:RegistrySearch'

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Wix: How to set permissions for folder and all sub folders