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New posts in windows-vista

Animated "glow" in owner-drawn Progress Bar (ListView/DataGridView)

Catch "The program stopped working" on Vista

c windows-vista

Two problems with sbt in cygwin / vista

Vista BEX error

winapi windows-vista

How to read registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in Vista?

c# windows-vista registry

COM Elevation Moniker fails to elevate the server under Vista/Windows 7

Eventlog listener - Applications and Services

What do I have to do and how much does it cost to get a device driver for Windows Vista / 7 (32 and 64 bit) signed?

powershell : ftp directory listing (help on a script)

Managing apps volume in Windows 7

Running a WPF application on Windows XP

How to detect if a virusscanner and/or firewall is installed? (And a few other security-related Q's.)

windows-vista antivirus

Saving a file to Application Data in c#

c# windows-vista

Pimp my UAC and a few questions about it

How to give 'Everybody' full rights to a file (programmatically)

How to connect pyodbc to an Access (.mdb) Database file

How do I grant SeCreateSymbolicLink on Windows Vista Home edition

How do I keep Vista from killing my program on exceptions?

Unable to find an entry point named 'TaskDialogIndirect' in DLL 'ComCtl32'

c# windows-vista pinvoke

Diagnosing Windows application manifests