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Why can't I use await keyword in my Windows Phone 7.1 MvvmCross project while using the Microsoft.Bcl - cannot await 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task?

C#/XAML Error No overload for 'button_Click' matches delegate 'Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventHandler'

Turn Windows Phone Settings On/Off

OnSuspending event not triggered with UWP Windows 10

Windows Phone Toolkit Context Menu Items have wrong object bound to them when an item is removed and then added

Pull to refresh On Windows Phone

Windows Phone 8 Geolocator returns fake location on emulator

AutoSuggestBox shows up Property name instead of value

How to get Screen size of a windows phone 8 device?

How to get the version of a Windows Phone 8.1 app in code?

Execute a method after delay on time only