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IpOverUsbSvc error


Windows Phone 8 page lifecycle

how do Nokia video trimmer and Moliplayer have accrss to videos?

MVVM - How to keep formatted properties up-to-date?

web browser control + authentication

Using a string in AppResources

Enable the status bar in the Windows Phone javascript templates for Visual Studio 2013

How to debug Windows Phone 8.1 app which was started by protocol association?

Windows Phone 7 - Two columns listbox

CSS: position:fixed not working on Windows Phone

How to access SMS Message threads from Windows phone programmatically [closed]

Windows Phone: Determine Device (Make, Model etc)

How to set start page in windows phone 8 app programmatically?

Dropdownlist with Windows Phone 8.1

The emulator is unable to connect to the device

How to get a deep link of my application from the Windows Phone Marketplace using .NET code?


FontAwesome on windows Phone 8

How do i add a pushpin to a Windows Phone 8.1 Map Control?

UWP TextBox VerticalContentAlignment

Binding Image stored in the Isolated Storage to Image Control in Windows Phone