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New posts in windows-phone-8

Run windows phone emulator 8 or 8.1 without using Hyper-v

iBeacon support for Windows Phone devices

c# windows-phone-8 ibeacon

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException in Windows Phone

c# windows-phone-8

Install-Package: Could not install package WPtoolkit error [duplicate]

Getting object from SelectionChangedEventArgs e Windows Phone 8

How do I change the $(RootNamespace) macro in a WP8 C++ Component in VS 2012?

HttpClient hangs when timeout is setting (Windows Phone)

How to Change Size of Pivot Item Header in Template

xaml windows-phone-8

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.EventHandler' to 'System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler' in c#

c# windows-phone-8

Windows Phone 8 app does not contain a definition for InitializeComponent

How to add Click event handler to TextBlock on Window phones

c# windows-phone-8

Converting Stream to byte[] array always returns 0 length in windows phone 8 C#

c# windows-phone-8 stream

Why is RestSharp AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); = to a list of item?

MediaElement.play() from within ViewModel

Is it possible to create a new windows phone 8 project in visual studio 2013 update 2?

Will WP Applications for 7.5 work on WP8 also?

Continuous Pagination with LongListSelector


DataContractSerializer fails, null data

Console Window Feature On Windows Phone 8 Emulator

WP8 - access datacontext of parent