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Resource reference with name 'jdbc/devl' not found in ibm-web-bnd.xml

How do you make sure that an EJB timer is only created once in a Java EE clustered environment?

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Performance OpenJPA query (3000+ records) is slow

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JAX-RS without jersey on WAS7

How can I set a WebSphere classloader policy to PARENT_LAST for an app created in Eclipse?

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Is there a new schema location for websphere ibm-web-bnd.xml?

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Can a war file be deployed on any server?

MQJMS2013 invalid security authentication

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ClassCastExceptions due to upgrade to hibernate 4.2.8 in WebSphere 8.5.5 application container

RAD 7.5 Web Service question

websphere rad

what's the deal with Cookie.setMaxAge(Integer.MAX_VALUE)?

How to do websphere 7 deployment automation using maven?

Correct way to use EJB Asynchronous methods

Generate Websphere 6.1 compatible EAR file using Maven

Application.xml not created in RAD7.5

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Could declaring a static ApplicationContext cause a memory leak ? (Spring 3)

loading constraint violation in Websphere

websphere classloader

Exception starting application on webspere 8.5

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settingup load balancer server in IBM Websphere environment

How to access authentication alias from EJB deployed to Websphere 6.1