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New posts in web-standards

Why are HTML5 and XHTML 2 separate standards?

Learning HTML5 and CSS3 [closed]

html css web-standards

How important is it to follow web standards? [closed]

html css markup web-standards

Why can't I have a numeric value as the ID of an element?

Is it good to put <p> inside <td> to put content text?

html xhtml w3c web-standards

Why do some major websites use invalid HTML?

Specifying the value output of of an HTML5 input type = date?

How is JavaScript library bloat mitigated with Web Components?

What elements can a span tag contain in HTML5?

Why would Google use a font tag?

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Example of a URI that isn't a URL?

url uri web-standards

What are the url parameters naming convention or standards to follow

How to remove data-* attributes using HTML5 dataset

Does HTML5 ban th cells from tbody?

Is it ok to use <strong> in place of <b> blindly?

Correct use of Blockquote, q and cite?

css xhtml w3c web-standards

Create a HTML table where each TR is a FORM

Can we place `<img>` inside `<h1>` according to web standards?

How does one target IE7 and IE8 with valid CSS?

Multiple CSS Classes: Properties Overlapping based on the order defined [duplicate]

web-standards css