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New posts in web-services

Message part MyClass was not recognized. (Does it exist in service WSDL?)

SOAP response body has plain text without any nodes

java web-services soap jaxb wsdl

Authenticating against ReportExecution2005.asmx in .NET Core

Can I have the XML in the log when sending FastInfoset request with Apache CXF?

How to generate UsernameToken for WS-Security?

Are there any public web services that will check for an MTLS cert and response with application/json

What is the proper virtual directory access permission level required for a SOAP web service?

Is Content-Type negotiation typical or atypical in REST apps?

Growl Notifications from a Web Server

Passing an exception object to a webservice

.net web-services exception

Returning JSON AND XML format from a .NET 3.5 WCF web service (REST)

.net xml wcf web-services json

HTTP status 407: Proxy authentication required Error when calling web service

To return a dataset in a web service or not?

.net web-services dataset

wsimport Two declarations cause a collision

java xml web-services soap xsd

How REST can use SOAP as protocol?

java rest web-services soap

Handling Status Dilemma

Illegal character - CTRL-CHAR

What type of webservice works best with iOS?

php iphone web-services ipad ios

node.js Global connection already exists. Call sql.close() first

Best Practice: Direct SQL Access vs. Web Service [closed]

c# sql web-services