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New posts in web-config

Session Timeout Limit in ASP.NET?

Change to web.config on server is not going into effect

asp.net web-config iis-7.5

Please help me understand type attribute of web.config custom settings?

asp.net web-config

Reference DLLs in ASP.NET without \Bin or GAC

Where are Web Application Project Assembly references stored?

How do I define usings in MVC 3 Razor View Engine across entire site? [duplicate]

IIS 7 Manager can't write to web.config

Does the order of elements in app.config matter?

Is there a way to include an email address "display name" in the smtp element of a Web.config file? [duplicate]

Stop inheriting web.config from parent ASP.NET application in IIS 7.5

Web Config file for a codeigniter application

php codeigniter iis web-config

Sending mail from gmail SMTP C# Connection Timeout

c# web-config smtp gmail

How can I get current config of the web application without using HttpContext?

c# configuration web-config

Log4net - Suppress "exception" from being appended to custom "PatternLayout"

c# web-config log4net

VS2010 When debugging web.config transforms are not being applied. Building a deployment package works

Deploying multiple versions of Angular app to Azure App Service

Why setting customErrors in web.config doesn't work at this case?

Accessing SMTP Mail Settings from Web.Config File by using c#

c# asp.net web-config

How can I apply <clientCache /> settings to a specific extension in IIS?