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New posts in web-config

The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated

asp.net web-config smtp gmail

Reading membership section from web.config

Rewrite Maps in IIS Make web.config Too Large

iis-7 web-config iis-7.5

Upgrade from ASP.net 3.5 to 4.0 Results in Web.Sitemap Problems

How to allow multiple origin domains by Access-Control-Allow-Origin in web.config file?

Main MVC3 web app interferes with child MVC3 web app

Why is Web.config looking for configSource in project folder instead of bin?

Why do I get a 500 when I add a rewrite rule to my Web.config in Azure?

Web.config transform moving namespace declaration

c# xml web-config nlog

Free form Dynamic web.config region

c# dynamic .net-4.0 web-config

Register generic page base class

How to add config transform for custom config file?

WCF Endpoint Configuration Error: The 'contract' attribute is invalid?

wcf web-config wcf-endpoint

How does ASP.Net Cookieless work ?

Logged in users get logged out after some time

Can you set the MachineKey programmatically?

asp.net web-config

Specify Machine Name in Web.Config Transform