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New posts in visual-studio-2013

VS2013 Error: LNK2019 When trying to build ZeroMQ server

Why is the CTRL+A shortcut disabled on Multiline-enabled TextBox controls in C#?

Visual Studio GIT sync with local/network file folder as remote/origin

C# 6 error messages on VS2013 despite using Microsoft.Net.Compilers nuget package

Preventing icon color and size distortions when bundling a Visual Studio project template in a VSIX

why my imshow differs from imwrite

"Vector Iterators Incompatible" when calculating distance between two iterators

TFS Service GIT, Users cant see my "published" branch locally

git tfs visual-studio-2013

using linux header files in visual studio

Collapsing braces in Visual Studio 2013 Express IDE

XML Help documentation for Web API not being updated on publish

VS2013 Code Analysis Custom Dictionary Not Working

Where is the color setting for the Active Symbol Highlighting Feature in Visual Studio 2013

What do i need to use SIMD with visual studio 2013 update 2?

c# visual-studio-2013 simd

Maximized state of child form Not working correctly when used in MDI container (Visual Basic 2013)

Problems with Visual Studio 2013, TFS, and _references.js file

Resharper - how to import all missing namespaces?

TFS get name of build directory inside of CodeActivity

What is ManageController.cs in ASP.NET-MVC 5.1 and why it was created? It haven't been created by MVC's 5.1 template before

Async loading for winforms