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Are wide characters string literals encoded in UTF-16LE?

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VC++: how-to convert CString to TCHAR*

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Why I can call StringFromCLSID even without the calling of CoInitializeEx before?

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Why is "true;" (and others) a valid line of code C++?

Reentrancy in static method with static variable

c++ visual-c++

Getting CMake to build shared library for MSVC [duplicate]

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C2061: syntax error : identifier 'L' in qtypetraits.h

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Atomic execution of a statement block

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What does the syntax ::function_name mean in c++?

c++ visual-c++

Is wchar_t needed to support unicode when using the WinApi?

c++ winapi visual-c++ unicode

VC++ stack trace does not resolve function names on production

"Vector Iterators Incompatible" when calculating distance between two iterators

How to disable a warning within a C++ macro

vector<map<move-only type>> does not compile with MSVC

SHARING_VIOLATION with multi-threaded file IO on Windows

Regex's For Developers

c++ regex visual-c++ utilities

Building windows c++ libraries without a runtime?

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Catching exception in code

VC++ win32 API programming: how can I get the image out of the clipboard and display it in a windows?

Runtime Issues While Mixing Libraries from Different Versions of Visual Studio