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New posts in video-streaming

Video capturing(live video streaming) through Java

c# Streaming downgraded-quality video over HTTP

Change Frames Per Second for VLC Stream

Licode Erizo.Stream Video Frame quality

Streaming live video from Raspberry Pi to my Android App but getting security exception

Playing webm chunks as standalone video

Browser Based Streaming Video/Audio (not progressive download)

VLC desktop streaming

video video-streaming vlc

Rails send_file don't play mp4

Receive chunks of video and play them in browser

WebRTC one-way video call

ONVIF : How to form the device web service address from the IP address of an NVT

MPMoviePlayerController plays local file but not remote over HTTP

Http live streaming: EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag makes all segments afterwards only have audio

Finding the actual RTMP Stream URL?

Load video from inputstream using java and video.js

Is there a way to add video elements in React Native (for Android)?

What's the difference between playbackLikelyToKeepUp and AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay?

What's the technology behind live stream sites? [closed]

Streaming mp4 with vlc to html browser