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New posts in version

Why can't I display the ASP.NET Framework version as 3.5?

.net version

Mercurial for Windows - Python version?

What is the relationship between the different WebSocket protocol versions?

version websocket protocols

Check Java version/type from within code

java version

How to find out which version of Silverstripe a site is using, looking at the source code?

version silverstripe

Why does version->parse fail to work without preceding print?

perl version

How can I label my current git branch as ok then continue

git branch label version

Installing Different versions of iPhone simulator

ios xcode macos version

Remove new version's placeholder itunes connect

Zend Framework - Install an older version

The difference between version and build under Identity

ios build xcode5 version

How to find out the version number in cakephp v3.0?

Application version or milestone Naming Schemes

Why do android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES work on older platforms

android version adt

How can I detect if Windows Installer is installed?

jQuery .prop() compatibility

How to get Tomcat version number in Java [duplicate]

java tomcat version

How can you find out the version of xlC installed on AIX box

What could be a proper data type for software version in C++?

c++ types version

Perl version 5.14.1 released before the version 5.12.4?

perl version