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C++ Builder XE2, TXMLDocument 'DTD is prohibited'

How do I draw an image with an alpha channel to a TSpeedButton?

When to use `__fastcall` caling convention

Understanding TBitmap.Scanline in Delphi & C++ Builder

How can a control be notified when its parent receives and loses focus in Delphi?

delphi components vcl

Is there a way to have a KeyPreview-like functionality when working with Frames?

Delphi extract key from TObjectDictionary

delphi generics vcl delphi-xe

What 4 threads are running under an empty new VCL forms application? [duplicate]

Avoid that SetFocus raises an Exception

delphi vcl

let C++Builder/Delphi create TForms at launch, or create manually?

delphi c++builder vcl

how to dynamically create a component in delphi such as TLabel or TEdit ...etc

Delphi Controls for Editing Key/Value Pairs?

Hiding items in TListBox while filtering by String

delphi vcl tlistbox

How to fix Delphi component with TFont property that gets "cannot assign NIL to a TFont" at design time?

InstanceClass.NewInstance vs InstanceClass.Create

delphi oop vcl

How do I port code for Borland C++ builder to Linux?

c++builder vcl tthread

How can I scroll the content of a TFlowPanel?

delphi delphi-2010 vcl

Delphi windows 7 control panel component

delphi windows-7 controls vcl

Delphi Button with Background Image

delphi delphi-xe2 vcl

Delphi - How to delete all child components at runtime?

delphi components runtime vcl