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Why should i use vagrant if i use virtualenv?

How to enable two-way folder sync in Vagrant with VirtualBox?

vagrant virtualbox

Laravel 4 Permissions on a Vagrant box with Puppet

Vagrant complaints about "customize"


How can I upload more than one file with vagrant file provisioning?

Vagrant + Ansible + Python3

Laravel Homestead vagrant up times out

Error when doing vagrant up

How to use hand-written cookbooks when using berkshelf in chef?

Use vagrant with remote virtualbox

virtualbox vagrant

Rsync on windows - dup() in/out/err failed

How can I interact with a Vagrant shell provisioning script?

heroku vagrant

Vagrant up fails to start network interface on cloud images

ubuntu vagrant virtualbox

Using Vagrant on cloud CI services

Vagrant hangs on Windows 7


Vagrant Windows - ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

windows ssh vagrant virtualbox

Isolation in Vagrant vs. Docker

vagrant docker isolation

Why is Vagrant trying to SSH to Windows guest?

access private VM from other computer over wifi

vagrant puppet

Saving and sharing changes made to Vagrant box
