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New posts in vagrant

Running Heroku Cedar Locally using Vagrant

Vagrant not showing any available network interfaces


Should I Compile My Application Inside of a Docker Image

docker compilation vagrant

How to automatically resize the vagrant disk image size for linux guests?


How to show Vagrant box version used in a particular directory


How to destroy and recreate vagrant/homestead machine?

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Vagrantfile syntax highlight in PyCharm

GuestAdditions version mismatch

use ssh keys with passphrase on a vagrant+chef setup

git ssh chef-infra vagrant

psql: FATAL: role "vagrant" does not exist [duplicate]

postgresql vagrant psql

Is there any way to retry playbooks from where they failed?

vagrant ansible vagrantfile

Install pip3 package using ansible instead of pip2

django vagrant pip ansible

Cannot clone private repo from Vagrant provision file

git ssh vagrant ssh-keys

Why can user vagrant do "sudo su -" without entering password?

vagrant sudo

Best way to install docker on Vagrant

Apache doesn't start after Vagrant reload

apache centos vagrant

Specify headless or GUI from command-line


Accessing apache on a vagrant sandbox using ssl (port forwarding)

Check if chef is running as chef-solo

Can I configure Vagrant to setup a synced folder only if it exists on the host?
