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ChefZero returning 404

vagrant chef-solo

Vagrant file for .NET Developer (with Windows, IIS, MS SQL)

Vagrant failing on mounting NFS due to MacOS Catalina beta update

How does Vagrant create a private network?

Where does vagrant store logs?

windows logging vagrant

Vagrantfile. Set locale for ssh agent

ssh vagrant vagrantfile

Vagrant and symfony2

php macos apache symfony vagrant

Vagrant up takes a long time after "Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes..." to finish booting

laravel homestead the host path of shared folder missing error on windows 7

laravel vagrant homestead

Vagrant: missing file id_rsa

Find the Vagrantfile folder


Vagrant port forwarding for Mysql

Vagrant error "Failed to mount folders in Linux guest" after halt or reload

linux vagrant virtualbox

Vagrant/VirtualBox VM provisioning: rbenv installs successfully but subsequent uses in script fail

How can I change where Vagrant looks for its virtual hard drive?


Vagrant can't use the requested machine because it is locked

puppet apt-get update only once before anything else?

vagrant puppet apt-get

Apache fails to start on Vagrant

The host path of the shared folder is missing: ~/Code

Using Vagrant to manage development and production environments?

vagrant puppet