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New posts in vagrant

Connect to MySQL on Vagrant instance with Sequel Pro

mysql vagrant sequelpro

vagrant up fails with cannot load winrm

vagrant winrm

Can't create working meteor.js project on a vagrant box

mongodb meteor vagrant

Vagrant. The box you're attempting to add doesn't support the provider you requested


Phpstorm, xdebug and vagrant still waiting for incoming connection

`vagrant up` times out at "Waiting for domain to get an IP address..."

Ansible variable defined in group_vars/all not found

Vagrant with Docker Provider requires RSync Password

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Vagrant: How to paste text in Windows command window, when running Vagrant ssh

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xdebug Time-out connecting to client. :-( using phpstorm 7.1.3/vagrant/virtualbox/magento

Why does vagrant use vmdk disk format as its standard package format?

virtualbox vagrant

Error when running vagrant: "The host path of the shared folder is missing"

vagrant virtualbox

How to automatically enable php extensions in Homestead on vagrant up

vagrant cannot connect to virtual box

vagrant up is not starting the vm in .vagrant\machines\default\virtualbox\id


postgres createuser with password from terminal

postgresql vagrant

Failed to find Vagrant


What ports does pip use?

Shall I version the .vagrant folder

vagrant vagrantfile

Vagrant Config Error - "A box must be specified."

vagrant vagrantfile