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Error when running vagrant: "The host path of the shared folder is missing"

I have downloaded a Vagrantfile, but when i run vagrant up in terminal the following message appears:

Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix the following errors and try again:

vm: * The host path of the shared folder is missing: ~/Sync

OBS.: Using Ubuntu 14.10

I created a folder named Sync in my home.

like image 711
eduardo Uchida Avatar asked Mar 15 '15 00:03

eduardo Uchida

1 Answers

I assumed you are in linux or mac. Type in "pwd" and enter in the terminal where Homestead.yml is.

Mine is "/home/idhamhafidz/Code/opp190-ama"

Then go to your Homestead.yml and edit the folders section like in the image below: enter image description here

Then quit edit Homesteady.yml and re-run vagrant up again.

like image 191
Apit John Ismail Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10

Apit John Ismail