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How to vagrant up ( with puphpet ) on windows 7 x64 with vagrant 1.7.2?

Vagrant - how to detect windows host RAM and CPU

block in windows_hyperv_admin Error when trying vagrant up


Laravel 5.8: A facade root has not been set after homestead restart

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puppet looking for hiera.yaml in the wrong place

vagrant puppet

Php not interpreted by apache

php apache vagrant puphpet

How to exclude (ignore) certain folders in vagrant rsync?

vagrant rsync

Vagrant/Puppet --- ensure: change from present failed: Could not set 'present on ensure: No such file or dir

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Make chef cookbook recipe only run once

Slow File Uploads on virtual machine using virtualbox with vagrant + homestead

laravel vagrant virtualbox

How do I install a Vagrant Linux box that has a GUI (gnome, kde, ...)?

linux ubuntu vagrant

Error while executing `VBoxManage` (Vagrant/Virtualbox)

"unable to get local issuer certificate" during vagrant up, even after vagrant box add --insecure

bash vagrant

Error: Permission denied when trying to create database django [closed]

Silent install of Vagrant to preferred directory on Windows

Git-bash (Cygwin) and vagrant-berkshelf

Unable to run vagrant up due to Vbox error (MS 81.)

Download Vagrant box from vagrantcloud.com


Could not find 'berkshelf' (>= 0) among 90 total gem(s) (Gem::LoadError)

Why my cronjob setup by Ansible is not running?

cron vagrant ansible