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New posts in utf

How can I put a 💙, or any other emoji inside an XML string?

android utf

Content is not allowed in prolog

java xml parsing utf

MongoDB special characters

difference between NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET and NLS_CHARACTERSET for Oracle

What is the Best UTF [closed]

unicode utf-8 utf

What is the efficient, standards-compliant mechanism for processing Unicode using C++17?

c++ unicode encoding locale utf

Strange unicode characters when reading in file in node.js app

is PHP str_word_count() multibyte safe?

php utf-8 utf

What are the limitations of primitive character types in D?

python3: bytes vs bytearray, and converting to and from strings

python-3.x utf-8 utf

What is QString::toUtf8 doing?

qt utf-8 utf

What characters do not directly map from Cp1252 to UTF-8?

Which Languages Does UTF-8 Not Support?

What is the difference between UTF-32 and UCS-4?

string unicode encoding char utf

Is there a way in ruby 1.9 to remove invalid byte sequences from strings?

Is there a field in which PDF files specify their encoding?

pdf unicode utf

Enter Unicode characters with 8-digit hex code

vim unicode utf-16 utf

ISO-8859-1 vs UTF-8?

css xhtml unicode utf

Do UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 differ in the number of characters they can store?

What's the point of UTF-16?